Teaching adult learners: Things you need to know

If you’re interested in becoming an adult educator, you’ve come to the right place. Adult educators work with people of all ages and backgrounds. They typically teach adults who want or need additional education or training to advance in their careers or fill gaps in their knowledge base. The best part is that there are a wide range of positions for adult educators. Whatever your interests are, you will likely find something that works for you. Here we’ll look at some steps you can take to become an adult educator yourself:

Decide on the subject matter you’d like to teach

As a teacher, there are some things you can’t control, such as the number of students in your classes, how much money you make at your job and whether your school maintains a good reputation. However, other factors are within your control, including picking interesting subject matter for your class and being a great mentor for those who want to learn it from you.

Choose a subject that is in demand

If you’re looking to become an adult education teacher, choosing a subject that is in demand is important. The best way to do this is to look at the number of available jobs in your area and then compare that with the number of teachers currently teaching that subject. If there are more jobs than teachers, you can be sure that your chances of being hired are high.

Teach something you’re good at

The best thing you can do if you want to become an adult teacher is find something that you’re good at or qualified for. For example, if you’re good at math or science, then offering classes about those subjects could be a great option for you. You can also teach classes about topics related to your job or field. For example, if you’re an experienced nurse who wants to train other nurses through online classes or videos, then becoming one of the top nurse educators might be something worth exploring.

Teach a subject that is easy to grasp

Choose something easy for students to grasp quickly, so they stay engaged during class time instead of getting bored and falling asleep or leaving early without learning anything new about their chosen profession.

Consider whether you’re interested in teaching in a classroom setting or online

Teaching adult learners requires a different approach than teaching children or teens. Even if you have experience with younger students, don’t assume that you’ll be able to teach adults just as well. Adult learners are different from their younger counterparts with regards to learning styles and preferences, so instructors of adult education programs need to keep this in mind when creating lessons and lesson plans.

Suppose your main goal is flexibility and freedom over working hours. In that case, being an online instructor might be right for you. Online classes are becoming more popular every year because they allow teachers more freedom over their work schedules while still keeping them connected with their students via email and video conferencing.

Teachers who work through one of these programs can often find themselves working from anywhere in the world where there is internet access. Sometimes, they even create their weekly schedule depending on how many hours they feel comfortable working each day.

If you are teaching in a classroom, ensure you have the credentials required by your school district.

Determine your availability

You may need to be available during the school day, evenings and weekends. There are also opportunities for remote teachers who are self-employed. It is possible to work as a teacher in your spare time, but you will need to be able to work independently.

Ensure you are comfortable with technology

You will need to be comfortable with technology. If you are not, you should consider taking classes on learning how to use software and other technological tools. You will also want to ensure that you can teach online and in person if necessary.

Get training and skills

To become a teacher, you’ll need certain skills and training. First, you’ll need to know the subject matter of your course. What do you want to teach? If your adult learners need to learn English as a second language or other academic skills such as literacy, this may not be difficult for you if your background is relevant and interesting.

After choosing a specific subject matter, try finding out what training would help improve your ability as an educator. This could involve taking courses on popular education theories or methods, volunteering at community centers, shadowing teachers who work with adults or even interning at schools where adults learn. The key is finding ways to gain some expertise before being responsible for other people’s education.

Ensure you have excellent communication skills

To become a teacher of adult learning, you must have excellent communication skills. You may need to support students who have difficulty reading or writing, so you must be able to explain complex concepts in a simple way. Your communication skills will also help you interact with other teachers and administrators at your school.

In addition to communicating clearly and effectively, teachers for adult learning must possess good listening skills. The students in your class may not be interested in what they are learning, so they may not make eye contact or show any interest during class discussions or lectures. Asking them questions about what they did over the weekend might help keep their attention focused on the lesson material.

It’s imperative that teachers for adult learners give positive feedback when appropriate, as well as negative feedback when necessary. If students feel as if their hard work has been noticed by those around them, especially those responsible for evaluating its quality, they’ll feel motivated to continue improving themselves despite any challenges encountered along the way.


As you can see, becoming a teacher for adult learning is a rewarding, challenging career. You’ll be able to make a difference in the lives of many students who are looking for guidance and support as they work towards their goals.

There are many opportunities for growth and advancement in the field. There are jobs for educators teaching online as well as in classroom settings.

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